
Subspaces of Plane and Space- IntERAct Seminar

Vishal Agarwal ,IntERAct Seminar,Subspaces of Plane and Space,Linear Algebra,
This week IntERAct Seminar will be delivered by Vishal Agarwal (2nd Year, Mathematics) on the topic: "Subspaces of Plane and Space". In this seminar, he will introduce the audience to all the algebraic properties of plane and space (R^2 and R^3) and then find out what all subsets behave in exactly the same way (algebraically) as plane and space.
The seminar involves an elementary yet elegant proof from Linear Algebra and everyone, especially from the first year and second year, is encouraged to attend the seminar.
Venue: New AMHD Classrooom
Date: 27th March, 2019 (Wednesday)
Time: 4:00 PM



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